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Hatékony álláskeresési stratégiák

Ez a tanfolyam az álláskeresés útvesztőjében iránytűként szolgál majd számodra. Lépésről lépésre végigvezetlek a folyamaton, az önéletrajzírástól az interjútechnikákig. Megmutatom azokat a készségeket és stratégiákat, amelyek igazán hasznosak lesznek, és segítenek abban, hogy sikeresen megtaláld a számodra legmegfelelőbb állást.
Az oldal legalján rengeteg munkahelyet találhatsz, illetve a linket a következő tanfolyamhoz.

1. Modul: Az alap lefektetése

Karriercélok és ideális munkakör meghatározása
  1. Önismeret felmérése:
    • Készségek és erősségek listázása
    • Értékek és motivációk azonosítása
    • Személyiségtípus meghatározása (pl. MBTI teszt segítségével)
  2. Szakmai érdeklődési körök feltérképezése:
    • Kedvelt iparágak és szektorok azonosítása
    • Vonzó munkakörök és felelősségi körök meghatározása
  3. Rövid és hosszú távú karriercélok megfogalmazása:
    • 1-3 éves célok kitűzése
    • 5-10 éves karriervízió kialakítása
  4. Ideális munkakör jellemzőinek összeállítása:
    • Preferált munkakörnyezet leírása
    • Kívánt fizetési sáv meghatározása
    • Munka-magánélet egyensúly szempontjainak figyelembevétele
Személyes márka/brand kialakítása
  1. Egyedi értékajánlat megfogalmazása:
    • Szakmai erősségek és egyedi tapasztalatok azonosítása
    • "Elevator pitch" (rövid bemutatkozás) kidolgozása
  2. Online jelenlét optimalizálása:
    • LinkedIn profil frissítése és kiegészítése
    • Szakmai blog vagy portfólió weboldal létrehozása (ha releváns)
    • Közösségi média profilok szakmai szempontú áttekintése
  3. Networking stratégia kidolgozása:
    • Releváns szakmai események és konferenciák azonosítása
    • Online szakmai csoportokhoz való csatlakozás
    • Informális kapcsolatépítési lehetőségek feltérképezése
  4. Szakmai fejlődési terv készítése:
    • Hiányzó készségek azonosítása
    • Releváns képzések, tanfolyamok vagy certifikációk kiválasztása
    • Mentorálási lehetőségek feltérképezése


2. Modul: Online és offline állásplatformok kihasználása

  1. Weboldalak:
    • Mely weboldalak hatékonyak
    • Hogyan találhatod meg a legfelkapottab weboldalakat
    • Keresési technikák - Similarweb használata
  2. Facebook:
    • Érdemes-e használni
  3. LinkedIn:
    • 3 féle használati mód
  4. Agency-k/ munkaközvetítő cégek:
    • Hogyan lehet őket megtalálni
    • Mire lehet számítani
  5. Cégek felkutatása, listázása, és önéletrajzfeltöltés 
  1. Állásbörze:
    • Állásexpo
  2. Személyes önéletrajzmegosztás:
    • Mely munkatípusoknál javasolt
  3. Networking - kapcsolatépítés


3. Modul: Interjú

Interjúra felkészülés
  1. Cégek hatékony kutatása/megismerése:
    • Cég története, küldetése és értékei
    • Termékek és szolgáltatások
    • Vállalati kultúra megismerése
  2. Felkészülés a tárgyalásra:
    • Piackutatás: átlagfizetések és juttatások felmérése az adott pozícióra és iparágra
    • Saját értékének meghatározása: készségek, tapasztalat, egyedi hozzáadott érték
    • Minimum és ideális fizetési sáv meghatározása
  3. Válaszadási technikák:
    • STAR módszer használata (Situation, Task, Action, Result)
    • Konkrét példák és számszerűsíthető eredmények említése
    • Őszinteség és autentikusság megőrzése
    • Pozitív hangnem és testbeszéd alkalmazása
    • Aktív hallgatás és releváns visszakérdezés
Gyakori interjúkérdések
Bemutatkozás és motiváció:
  • "Meséljen magáról!"
  • "Miért szeretne nálunk dolgozni?"
  • "Hol látja magát 5 év múlva?"
Szakmai tapasztalat és készségek:
  • "Milyen releváns tapasztalatai vannak ehhez a pozícióhoz?"
  • "Meséljen egy sikeres projektjéről!"
  • "Hogyan kezeli a stresszes helyzeteket?"
Helyzetkezelési kérdések:
  • "Meséljen egy konfliktushelyzetről és annak megoldásáról!"
  • "Hogyan reagálna, ha..." (szituációs kérdések)
  • "Mi volt a legnagyobb szakmai kihívása, és hogyan oldotta meg?"
Erősségek és gyengeségek:
  • "Melyek a fő erősségei?"
  • "Min szeretne fejleszteni?"
  • "Hogyan kompenzálja a gyengeségeit?"
Csapatmunka és vezetői készségek:
  • "Hogyan dolgozik csapatban?"
  • "Meséljen egy helyzetről, amikor vezető szerepet vállalt!"
  • "Hogyan motiválja a kollégáit?"
Cégspecifikus kérdések:
  • "Mit tud a vállalatunkról?"
  • "Hogyan illeszkedne a vállalati kultúránkba?"
  • "Milyen ötletei vannak a pozícióval kapcsolatban?"
Jövőorientált kérdések:
  • "Milyen szakmai céljai vannak?"
  • "Hogyan képzeli el a karrierjét nálunk?"
  • "Milyen készségeket szeretne fejleszteni a jövőben?"
Záró kérdések:
  • "Van kérdése számunkra?"
  • "Miért Önt kellene választanunk erre a pozícióra?"
  • "Mikor tudna kezdeni?"
Interjú után
  1. Köszönőlevél küldése::
    • Az interjú után 24 órán belül küldjön e-mailt
    • Személyre szabott üzenet minden interjúztatónak
    • Főbb pontok kiemelése az interjúból
    • Érdeklődés és lelkesedés kifejezése a pozíció iránt
  2. Kiegészítő információk küldése::
    • További referenciák vagy portfólió elemek megosztása
    • Az interjún említett releváns projektek vagy eredmények részletezése
    • Esetleges "házi feladatok" vagy tesztek időben történő beküldése
  3. Hosszú távú kapcsolatépítés:
    • Tartsa meg a kapcsolatot még elutasítás esetén is
    • Legyen nyitott a jövőbeli lehetőségekre
Motiváció fenntartása - reflekció
Az elutasítás kezelése és a pozitivitás megőrzése :
a. Az elutasítás természetes része az álláskeresésnek
b. Technikák az elutasítás feldolgozására:

  1. Önreflexió és tanulságok levonása
  2. Az elutasítás nem személyes kudarc c. Pozitív gondolkodás fejlesztése
  3. Pozitív megerősítések használata
  4. Sikerek és kis győzelmek ünneplése
Reális elvárások és mérföldkövek kitűzése
a. Az álláskeresési folyamat reális időkereteinek meghatározása
b. Rövid és hosszú távú célok kitűzése c. SMART célok alkalmazása az álláskeresésben
  1. Specifikus (Specific)
  2. Mérhető (Measurable)
  3. Elérhető (Achievable)
  4. Releváns (Relevant)
  5. Időhöz kötött . Mérföldkövek meghatározása és nyomon követése (Time bound)



Ebben a részben országonként bemutatok kisebb BPO cégeket. A célom, hogy segítséget nyújtsak a megfelelő munkáltatók megtalálásában.
Itt nem találsz linkeket, de a Google segítségével könnyedén rátalálhatsz a cégekre
Online meeting
  1. FMI Field Management Ireland: A leading field management company with over 800 employees, providing various BPO services across Ireland.
  2. Call Centre Solutions (CCS): Established in Dublin, CCS offers contact center solutions and has been in operation since 1996.
  3. Abtran: This company specializes in customer and business process management services and has a large workforce based in Dublin.
  4. Interaction Europe: A multilingual contact center that provides BPO services for clients across Europe and beyond.
  5. Voxpro (part of TELUS International): An award-winning provider of multilingual customer experience and technical support solutions, headquartered in Cork.
  6. Kendlebell: Known for its personalized service, Kendlebell has been a leader in the field for over 12 years, offering various BPO services.
  7. DataXcel: Specializing in data collection and lead generation, DataXcel is recognized as a leading collector of opt-in data in Ireland.
  8. Focus One: This company provides B2B telemarketing and lead generation services to various sectors within Ireland.
  9. Nurse on Call Ireland: A call center focusing on voice services and non-voice BPO services, established in 1981.
  10. Infosys BPM: A subsidiary of Infosys Ltd, offering comprehensive BPO services including customer service, billing, and HR outsourcing across multiple locations in Ireland.
  1. Genli: Located in Poznan, Genli provides B2B sales solutions aimed at improving ROI for companies.
  2. KODA Bots: Based in Wroclaw, KODA Bots specializes in automation software solutions for managing business communications.
  3. Aidey: With over seven years of experience, Aidey offers flexible BPO solutions, including customer service and back-office functions.
  4. Cyclad International: This Warsaw-based company provides IT engineering services and human resource outsourcing.
  5. Conectys: Founded in 2004, Conectys specializes in customer experience and content moderation solutions, with operations in multiple countries.
  6. Euvic IT: Formerly known as IT Works, Euvic IT specializes in IT outsourcing services and has been active for over eighteen years.
  7. Infolet: Located in Krakow, Infolet offers software development and IT staffing solutions since 2005.
  8. Focus Contact Center: Operating since 2008, this Warsaw-based agency provides innovative contact center solutions across various industries.
  9. Simply Contact: A customer support outsourcing company based in Warsaw, offering multilingual services globally.
  10. Call Center Dynamic Sales: Based in Wroclaw, this company focuses on innovative call center solutions and customer service.
  11. Sales4us: A rapidly growing call center located in Wroclaw, emphasizing a strong team-oriented approach.
  12. Mellon Poland: Founded in 2006, this company offers specialized technology solutions and outsourced services to various sectors.
  13. Pomerico Group: Based in Gdansk, Pomerico provides comprehensive HR and BPO outsourcing services aimed at increasing efficiency.
  14. JBA Consults: This Gdansk-based company specializes in B2B sales outsourcing and has been operational since 2023.
  15. Exlibra: Located in Lublin, Exlibra offers international business services to support entrepreneurs with comprehensive advice and task implementation.
Online meeting
Call Center Employee
  1. Euroanswer: Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Bucharest, Euroanswer provides customer support, technical support, data entry, and IT service management across multiple languages.

  2. FSP Global: A full-service provider based in Cluj-Napoca, FSP Global offers call center outsourcing services, including inbound and outbound solutions, as well as other BPO services.

  3. NTT DATA Romania: This nearshore IT services company provides development assistance and consultation across various industries, focusing on IT modernization and managed services.

  4. Reashore: Headquartered in Cluj-Napoca, Reashore specializes in front and back-office outsourcing solutions, primarily catering to the travel sector.

  5. Stefanini Romania: Part of the global Stefanini group, this company provides IT outsourcing and technical support services with a focus on digital transformation.

  6. Endava: Specializing in IT services and software development, Endava works closely with clients to deliver customized solutions that drive business success.

  7. P4B: Based in Cluj-Napoca, P4B offers IT outsourcing services and dedicated teams tailored to client needs.

  8. XTENSOS: Founded in 2014 and located in Cluj-Napoca, XTENSOS provides multilingual business support and consulting services to global organizations.

  9. Valoris Center: Established in 2006, Valoris Center offers a range of BPO services including voice services and CRM consulting from its headquarters in Bucharest.

  10. Connections: This Bucharest-based company focuses on improving business operations through technology tools and innovative solutions.

  11. Bitech Company: Located in Bucharest, Bitech specializes in contact center services and offers innovative BPO solutions.

  12. World Performance Group Ltd.: Operating from Bucharest, this company provides non-voice BPO/back office services and market research.

  13. Domino IT Services: Based in Cluj-Napoca, Domino IT Services focuses on IT managed services alongside non-voice BPO solutions.

  14. Transylvania Support Center: This company offers non-voice BPO/back office services from its base in Cluj-Napoca.

  1. BPO Hive LLC: A leading BPO provider in Bulgaria, offering a range of outsourcing solutions including customer support, technical assistance, and back-office operations.

  2. Martal Group: Specializes in sales outsourcing and lead generation, helping businesses achieve their sales objectives with a focus on revenue growth.

  3. Pontica Solutions: Offers customized BPO and IT outsourcing solutions, catering to the diverse needs of its clients with a strong focus on customer success.

  4. Customer Care BG Ltd.: A cloud-based multilingual contact center providing support through various channels including social media, live chat, email, and phone.

  5. Sixty K Ltd (60K): An award-winning BPO and multilingual contact center outsourcing company that provides tailored solutions to meet client needs.

  6. Out2Bound: An on-demand sales-as-a-service agency that helps technology companies attract B2B clients and expand into new markets.

  7. Euroccor JSC: Offers inbound and outbound telephony services along with administrative support, focusing on maintaining motivated staff for high-quality service.

  8. Customer Umbrella: Provides customer support outsourcing services with a focus on aligning with clients' brand culture and values.

  9. Flat Rock Technology: Specializes in custom software development and IT services while also offering BPO solutions from its office in Varna.

  10. Infosource: Focuses on non-voice BPO and back-office services, providing efficient solutions tailored to modern business challenges.

  11. Gamblingfy: Offers comprehensive online support services for the gaming industry, focusing on customer engagement and satisfaction.

  12. CXG Business Process Outsourcing: Provides voice services and HR solutions, enhancing client operations through efficient communication strategies.

  13. Callboxs: A business consulting company that offers direct marketing and voice services to enhance client outreach efforts.

  14. Mercatus: A boutique BPO provider specializing in voice services, business consulting, and IT staff augmentation based in Sofia.

  15. Oworkers: A data entry outsourcing company with offices in Bulgaria that specializes in multi-lingual data entry, categorization, and content moderation services.

Sales Agent
Hotline Consultant
  1. Max & Future: Located in Budapest, this company offers a variety of services including marketing, graphic design, event management, web design, and contact center services.
  2. TeleMedia: Also based in Budapest, TeleMedia specializes in CRM and call center solutions, providing services in multiple languages and known for its interactive TV shows.
  3. Photel: Specializing in customer experience and contact center services, Photel focuses on high-level customer engagement to ensure product success.
  4. Quality Call: This Budapest-based company provides call center solutions, telemarketing, market research, and back-office support for various clients.
  5. Protocall: A significant player in the Hungarian market, Protocall manages over 500 workstations and offers services in multiple languages with a focus on customer satisfaction.
  6. Interswitch: Established in 1994, Interswitch provides voice services and non-voice BPO/back office services from its base in Budapest.
  7. Process Solutions: A midsize finance and accounting outsourcing company located in Budapest, offering non-voice BPO services since 1999.
  8. BPO Hungary: Based in Újlengyel, this company focuses on non-voice BPO/back office services and finance & accounting outsourcing.
  9. FirmaX Hungary: Established in 2006, FirmaX provides non-voice BPO/back office services and is located in Budapest.
  10. Support Services Group - Hungary: Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Balatonboglár, this large business consulting company offers a range of BPO services including call center operations.
  11. Tech People: Located in Budapest, Tech People specializes in HR services and non-voice BPO/back office solutions.
  12. INU Digital: A mobile app development company based in Budapest that also offers application management and support alongside BPO services.
  13. ATALIAN Interactive: This firm provides voice services and HR-related BPO services from its location in Budapest.
  14. Első Hazai Adatkezelő Ltd.: A small answering service based in Budapest that provides both voice and non-voice BPO services.
  1. Distance Team: Located in Limassol, this company specializes in customer service outsourcing and sales outsourcing, focusing on delivering tailored solutions to meet client needs.
  2. edna: Based in Limassol, edna is a conversion optimization company that also offers customer service outsourcing and various digital marketing services, established in 2005.
  3. MOV Management Ltd.: This marketing strategy company is located in Agia Varvara and focuses on social media marketing, content marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. It was founded in 2013.
  4. Clickhouse Media: A small branding agency located in Egkomi, Clickhouse Media specializes in branding, SMS marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing since its launch in 2014.
  5. iGuana: Established in 1985 and based in Nicosia, iGuana focuses on document digitization and management services, offering solutions across multiple countries including Belgium and the Netherlands.
  6. Cybex Services: Operating from Nicosia, Cybex Services provides IT support and BPO services tailored to various industries, emphasizing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
  7. GCS Recruitment Specialists Ltd.: Based in Limassol, this company offers recruitment services along with BPO solutions for businesses looking to streamline their hiring processes.
  8. Fortech Solutions Ltd.: Located in Larnaca, Fortech Solutions specializes in IT-related BPO services and software development for both local and international clients.
  9. Qube Global Software Ltd.: This company provides property management software solutions along with BPO services related to data management and customer support from its base in Nicosia.
  10. Mediacom Ltd.: Based in Larnaca, Mediacom specializes in digital marketing and customer service outsourcing, helping businesses enhance their online presence.
Waving in Headphones
  1. Mediatel S.A.: Located in Athens, Mediatel is a midsize company that provides call center services, customer service outsourcing, and back-office outsourcing. Established in 1995, they focus on delivering innovative and quality-driven solutions across various industry segments.
  2. BFS Group: Based in Agios Dimitrios, BFS Group has been operational since 1994. This midsize answering service specializes in call center services, HR services, back-office outsourcing, and customer service outsourcing.
  3. Mellon Group of Companies: Headquartered in Pireas, this midsize company offers back-office outsourcing, call center services, customer service outsourcing, and business consulting. Founded in 1994, they are known for their comprehensive service offerings.
  4. Plegma Net: A small telephone answering service located in Athens, Plegma Net was established in 2009. They focus on call center services, back-office outsourcing, and customer service outsourcing.
  5. Othisi: Founded in 2010 and based in Sikies, Othisi is a sales outsourcing company that provides sales outsourcing, call center services, back-office outsourcing, and customer service outsourcing.
  6. Tem Solutions PC: Located in Argiroupoli and established in 2019, Tem Solutions specializes in call center services, marketing strategy, customer service outsourcing, and digital strategy.
  7. Infoassist AE: This small firm based in Athens was established in 2001 and focuses on voice services and business consulting. They are committed to high-quality service across various sectors.
  8. Codefunnels: Located in Patra and founded in 2018, Codefunnels specializes in lead generation and performance marketing solutions for clients across different markets.
  9. Lezzat: A digital marketing and e-commerce agency based in Athens, Lezzat focuses on driving business growth through honest and data-driven marketing strategies since its establishment in 2018.
  10. Accessia: Based in Athens, Accessia provides healthcare-related BPO services with a strong emphasis on recruiting and training sales experts to meet client needs effectively.
  11. Intelli Solutions S.A.: This IT consulting firm based in Athens focuses on telecom, financial services, manufacturing, and other sectors. They deliver market-leading software solutions to enhance operational efficiency.
  12. QUALCO: An industry-leading software and service provider located in Athens, QUALCO specializes in debt collection solutions and analytics for businesses looking to modernize their internal processes.
  13. Wedia Digital Business Agency: Based in Maroussi, Wedia is a digital business agency that designs and promotes unique digital user experiences while also offering BPO services since 2010.
  14. Conectys: Operating from Thessaloniki, Conectys provides multilingual support and cost-effective customer service solutions across Europe as part of its global BPO services.
  15. Tem Solutions: Established as a B2B sales agency based in Athens, Tem Solutions helps companies increase sales while reducing costs through effective marketing strategies.
  1. DataTech: Established in 2012 and located in Floriana, DataTech specializes in document digitization and management, corporate training, and internet and technology law. Their small team provides order management services for various clients, including business intelligence and stock management.
  2. A4 Services Limited: Based in San Ġwann, this small accounting firm focuses on finance and accounting outsourcing (FAO), business consulting, and financial advising. They cater to diverse industries with their specialized services.
  3. M Recruitment Agency: Launched in 2005 and headquartered in Il-Mosta, M Recruitment Agency offers human resources services, voice services, corporate training, and business consulting. Their small team is dedicated to meeting client needs in the HR sector.
  4. Fortytwo: Founded in 2001 and located in Mriehel, Fortytwo specializes in SMS marketing and call center services. Their small team focuses on delivering effective marketing solutions to enhance client engagement.
  5. Eagle Eye Solutions: Based in Valletta, Eagle Eye Solutions provides a range of BPO services including customer support, data entry, and administrative assistance. They are known for their commitment to quality service delivery.
  6. Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates: This legal firm located in Valletta offers business consulting and corporate services alongside their legal expertise. They provide tailored solutions for clients looking for comprehensive support.
  7. Cognizant Technology Solutions Malta: A branch of the global IT services company, Cognizant offers business process outsourcing solutions related to IT services, customer support, and digital transformation strategies.
  8. DigiServ: Located in Sliema, DigiServ focuses on digital marketing and customer service outsourcing. They help businesses enhance their online presence while providing exceptional customer support.
  9. Horizon IT Solutions: Based in Birkirkara, Horizon IT Solutions specializes in IT-related BPO services including technical support and software development, catering to both local and international clients.
  10. BPO Malta: This company offers a variety of outsourcing solutions including call center services, data processing, and administrative support from its base in St. Julian's.
On the Phone
Call Center Headset
  1. Connecta Group: Located in Lisbon, Connecta Group specializes in non-voice BPO and back-office services. Founded in 2001, they have a midsize team dedicated to providing efficient solutions for various business processes.
  2. Reditus: Based in Amadora, Reditus is an IT consulting firm established in 1966. With a team of 421 employees, they offer a range of services including custom software development and outsourcing solutions.
  3. Webhelp: A prominent call center company with operations in Braga, Webhelp provides both voice and non-voice BPO services. Founded in 2000, they are known for their customer support and experience management solutions.
  4. YOURVOICE: Headquartered in Lisbon, YOURVOICE has been providing contact center services since 2007. They focus on VoIP solutions and employ over 300 agents across multiple locations.
  5. Neyond: Established in 2004 with offices in Lisbon and Porto, Neyond offers strategic outsourcing and consulting services across accounting, finance, human resources, and business support processes.
  6. NewSpring Services: This Lisbon-based company specializes in back-office and front-office outsourcing consulting. Founded in 2015, they also provide IT consulting and expert advice on SAP and OutSystems.
  7. Ventask: Located in Lisbon, Ventask provides high-quality call center services for both B2B and B2C clients. Their mission is to enhance customer interaction through effective inbound and outbound call strategies.
  8. Goodwise Consulting: A management consulting firm based in Lisbon, Goodwise focuses on helping management teams overcome challenges while aligning with strategic guidelines since its establishment in 2012.
  9. Adaptel: Operating for over 25 years from Lisbon, Adaptel specializes in human capital management support services across various sectors, particularly excelling in hospitality and catering.
  10. Kelly Portugal: Part of the global Kelly Services network, this company offers comprehensive human resources management solutions from its base in Lisbon. They are known for placing over 500,000 people to work annually.
  11. STEAM Smart Business Services: Formed from the merger of CopiRisco and Insert, STEAM has been providing smart business solutions since 1991. They focus on enhancing organizational creativity and competitiveness.
  12. Santa Ideia: Established in Santarém in 2004, Santa Ideia offers non-voice BPO services along with graphic design and social media marketing solutions tailored to client needs.
  13. TBFiles: Located in Lisbon, TBFiles specializes in back-office outsourcing and robotic process automation. They have over 15 years of experience innovating document management processes for various sectors.
  14. Octágono: Founded in Figueira da Foz in 2001, Octágono focuses on e-commerce development alongside web design and digital marketing services.
  15. McLeads: A small email marketing agency located in Lisbon that specializes in email campaigns, market research, social media marketing, and sales outsourcing since its launch in 2023.
  1. TDCX: Based in Barcelona, TDCX is a leading BPO provider specializing in digital customer service and sales acceleration. They offer transformative customer experiences for top companies across Europe and Latin America.
  2. Grupo Unísono: Located in Madrid, Grupo Unísono has over two decades of experience providing business process services, consulting, and multichannel contact center solutions to enhance customer satisfaction.
  3. Aidey: This Madrid-based BPO firm offers flexible and cost-effective outsourcing solutions, including customer service, technical support, and both inbound and outbound sales functions.
  4. Newco: An outstanding nearshore and offshore contact center provider located in Madrid, Newco is committed to operational excellence and exceptional client experiences across various industries.
  5. Runway: Based in Barcelona, Runway provides multilingual contact center services catering to customers in North America, Europe, and Russia, ensuring effective communication across markets.
  6. Essentiel Outsourcing S.L.: This Barcelona-based company offers call center services with agents fluent in multiple languages, focusing on centralized business processes for both B2B and B2C markets.
  7. CPM International Contact Centre: Located in Barcelona, CPM specializes in high-performance sales and exceptional customer experience solutions across various languages and channels.
  8. Rainbow Comunicaciones: A leader in multilingual campaigns based in Madrid, Rainbow Comunicaciones has over 700 operators and focuses on delivering effective contact center solutions.
  9. Grupo CMC: This multinational consulting and technological innovation company is based in Barcelona and specializes in digital transformation to address business challenges effectively.
  10. Abinitio Consulting: Founded in Madrid, Abinitio provides specialized management services to improve business efficiency through consulting and outsourcing solutions.
  11. Data Comunicación: Based in Bilbao, Data Comunicación is a digital marketing agency that specializes in voice strategies, SEO, podcasting, and public relations services.
  12. CSA (Centro de Servicios Avanzados): Originally established for the financial sector, CSA has expanded its services to industrial and public sectors, offering comprehensive solutions across various technologies.
  13. BUKIT BPO: Headquartered in Málaga, BUKIT BPO provides voice services along with non-voice BPO and back-office services tailored to client needs since its founding in 2014.
  14. Digiltea: This midsize human resources agency based in Madrid offers HR services alongside call center operations and back-office outsourcing since its establishment in 2020.
  15. Xterna Solutions: Located in Barcelona, Xterna Solutions provides full-service consulting with expertise from economists to tax advisers for comprehensive business management support.
Help Center
Headset and Keyboard
  1. Aexus: Located in Arnhem, Aexus is a sales organization founded in 2000 that provides complete commercial outsourcing services for tech and software companies in Europe and the US, focusing on driving early leads and business success.
  2. BPO Technology: Based in Heiloo, BPO Technology specializes in custom software development, offering quality web and mobile app development services at competitive prices since its establishment in 2014.
  3. IPG Group: Headquartered in Amsterdam, IPG is part of the Koramic Investment Group and operates as a European call center group. With over 3,000 staff members, they ensure professional handling of customer contacts across multiple channels.
  4. Ohpen: This Amsterdam-based company, established in 2009, offers a cloud-based core banking engine designed to streamline financial services. Ohpen focuses on agility and efficiency for retail banking operations.
  5. Match4Markets: Founded in 2010 and located in Leiden, Match4Markets specializes in online lead generation services, catering to clients across the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and France.
  6. DataMondial: A renowned back-office company based in Rotterdam, DataMondial has over 280 employees specializing in complex data processing and back-office processes for clients across Europe since its founding in 2008.
  7. Pexly: Established in Amsterdam in 2015, Pexly focuses on back-office outsourcing, customer service outsourcing, and sales outsourcing with a midsize team dedicated to improving operational efficiency for clients.
  8. QualityCalls Lead Generation: Based in Amsterdam and Fortaleza, Brazil, this call center company was founded in 2012 and offers call center services, market research, customer service outsourcing, and sales outsourcing.
  9. KISS Marketing & Sales: Located in Rijswijk, KISS is a midsize call center and back-office outsourcing company that provides comprehensive call center services tailored to client needs.
  10. Cygnific: Founded in 1998 and based in Amsterdam, Cygnific is a telephone answering service that offers voice services to enhance customer communication for various industries.
  11. Interswitch BV: Established in 1980 and located in Amsterdam, Interswitch provides both voice services and non-voice BPO/back office services with a focus on quality customer interactions.
  12. GDCC (Global Data Collection Company): Headquartered in Rotterdam with additional offices worldwide, GDCC specializes in market research alongside call center services and back-office outsourcing since its inception in 1998.
  13. Salesupply: A fulfillment company based in Nijmegen that offers logistics & supply chain consulting as well as warehousing & distribution services since its establishment in 2008.
  14. SalesSource: This small sales outsourcing company has locations in Amsterdam and Utrecht. Founded in 2021, SalesSource provides sales outsourcing, digital strategy consulting, content marketing, and business consulting.
  15. BPO Nederland: Located in Amsterdam, BPO Nederland focuses on providing tailored BPO solutions across various sectors including finance, HR management, and customer support.
  1. Capita: Based in London, Capita is a leading provider of business process management and outsourcing solutions. They offer a wide range of services including customer management, IT services, and back-office processing across various sectors such as healthcare, government, and finance.
  2. Serco Group: Located in Hook, Serco Group provides a variety of services including customer engagement, IT services, and process management. They serve multiple sectors including defense, transport, and healthcare.
  3. HCL Technologies: This global IT services company has a significant presence in the UK, offering business process outsourcing services that include infrastructure management and application development across various industries.
  4. Concentrix: Headquartered in Manchester, Concentrix is known for delivering customer engagement and technology solutions. They provide services in customer care, technical support, and back-office processing with a focus on enhancing customer experience.
  5. Teleperformance UK: Located in several cities including London and Manchester, Teleperformance UK specializes in omnichannel customer experience management. They offer comprehensive services including customer care, technical support, and sales.
  6. Sitel Group: This company provides customer experience management solutions from its offices across the UK. Sitel Group offers services such as customer care, technical support, and digital solutions aimed at delivering personalized customer interactions.
  7. MCI: A tech-enabled BPO company based in London, MCI provides global customer experience outsourcing and contact center services. They focus on driving modernization through digitalization for their clients.
  8. Face For Business: Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Burscough, this company offers telephone answering services, virtual receptionists, outsourced switchboard services, diary management, and live chat solutions.
  9. Verbatim: Situated in Thatcham, Verbatim provides call answering services along with back-office support and non-voice BPO services since its establishment in 1997.
  10. The Contact Company: Based in Birkenhead, The Contact Company specializes in voice and back-office services for SMEs and large enterprises across various industries since 2006.
  11. Arise: Operating from Leeds for over a decade, Arise is known for its cloud-based platform that connects organizations needing customer service and sales support with work-from-home professionals.
  12. Deeper Insights: This company focuses on market research and analytics to provide insights that help businesses enhance their operational efficiency and decision-making processes.
  13. AMD: Located in London, AMD is a business consulting firm that offers email marketing, advertising, voice services, and more since its founding in 2019.
  14. SmartPA: Based in Edinburgh, SmartPA is a leading virtual assistant company that provides remote administrative support to businesses of all sizes with over 300 employees.
  15. Lead Gen Dept: A London-based digital agency specializing in lead generation for B2B companies by managing outbound email marketing and telemarketing campaigns since its establishment.
Man Making Phone Call in Office
  1. OKIN BPS: Located in Ostrava, OKIN BPS specializes in non-voice BPO and back-office services, providing comprehensive outsourcing solutions to enhance operational efficiency for various industries.
  2. ICON Communication Centres: Based in Prague, ICON has been delivering telephone answering services and customer support since 2003, leveraging a midsize team to ensure high-quality communication solutions.
  3. Accace: This leading outsourcing and consultancy provider, headquartered in Prague, offers a wide range of services including accounting, payroll, and business consulting for various industries since its establishment in 2006.
  4. Smart Solutions BPO for IT: Founded in 2008 and located in Prague, Smart Solutions focuses on non-voice BPO services, HR services, and finance & accounting outsourcing (FAO) tailored specifically for IT sector clients.
  5. Outsourcingemail: Established in 2022 and based in Opava, Outsourcingemail specializes in customer service outsourcing, providing tailored support solutions to enhance client interactions.
  6. Di Raffaele Accounting: This small accounting firm located in Prague 5 offers accounting and non-voice BPO/back office services since its establishment in 2017, focusing on personalized financial solutions for clients.
  7. Jaros Consulting: Founded in 1998 and based in Prague, Jaros Consulting provides business consulting and HR services alongside non-voice BPO solutions to help businesses optimize their operations.
  8. Lead Magnet: Launched in 2018 and located in Praha 9, Lead Magnet focuses on branding and marketing strategy while offering social media marketing and email marketing services to enhance client visibility.
  9. Infosys BPM: A subsidiary of Infosys Ltd., Infosys BPM operates from Brno and offers end-to-end transformative services including business consulting and outsourcing solutions for various sectors like healthcare and automotive since 2004.
  10. Teleperformance Czech Republic: With multiple locations across the Czech Republic, Teleperformance is a global leader in customer experience management providing a range of BPO services including customer care and technical support across various industries.
  1. UAB BPO House: Located in Vilnius, UAB BPO House is a technology-driven business process outsourcing company that provides full accounting services, payroll accounting, and HR documentation administration since its founding in 2009.
  2. Civitta: Based in Vilnius, Civitta is a leading consulting firm that offers a range of services including market research, business consulting, and project management to help businesses optimize their operations.
  3. Hanner Group: Founded in 1992 and located in Vilnius, Hanner Group is involved in real estate development and management while also providing BPO services related to property management and administration.
  4. Delfi: This media company based in Vilnius not only offers news and entertainment but also provides digital marketing and advertising services as part of its BPO offerings since its establishment.
  5. SBA Group: Operating from Vilnius, SBA Group specializes in manufacturing and real estate but also offers BPO services such as logistics and supply chain management to enhance operational efficiency.
  6. Aurea Group: Located in Kaunas, Aurea Group provides IT outsourcing solutions along with business process management services to various sectors, focusing on innovative technology integration.
  7. Innoera: Based in Vilnius, Innoera specializes in IT services and software development while also offering BPO solutions including customer support and data processing since its founding in 2011.
  8. Softera: This company operates from Vilnius and specializes in software development for various industries while providing related BPO services such as technical support and system integration.
  9. NODUS: Established in 2000 and based in Vilnius, NODUS focuses on providing IT consulting and outsourcing services including application development and maintenance for clients across Europe.
  10. Vinted: While primarily known as an online marketplace for second-hand clothing, Vinted also offers customer service outsourcing solutions to enhance user experience on their platform.
Woman in Suit


HOTEL és HAJÓ Munkák

Fedezd fel a legjobb lehetőségeket a szállodaiparban és a hajózási szektorban!
Itt összegyűjtöttem a legnevesebb állásportálokat, ügynökségeket és hajótársaságokat, ahol megtalálhatod álmaid munkáját.
Luxury Cruise Line
Hotel Resort at Sunrise


  1. Hcareers
    • Overview: A leading job board for hospitality and hotel jobs, Hcareers features over 20,000 job listings across various categories and locations.
    • Website:
  2. Hotel Jobs UK
    • Overview: This site offers a wide range of hotel job vacancies across the UK and Europe, allowing users to search for jobs by location and upload their CVs for recruiters to find them.
    • Website:
  3. Hire4Hotels
    • Overview: Focused on the Indian hospitality market, Hire4Hotels connects job seekers with hotel job opportunities across India, offering a platform for both candidates and employers.
    • Website:
  4. Hotelcareer
    • Overview: A specialized job platform for the hospitality industry, Hotelcareer lists job offers in hotels, catering, and tourism, allowing users to search and apply online.
    • Website:
  5. Hospitality Online
    • Overview: The largest hospitality careers site in the world, Hospitality Online features thousands of hotel, restaurant, and resort job openings across various positions.
    • Website:
  6. Hospitality Jobs UK
    • Overview: This site serves the hospitality sector in the UK by listing the latest hotel, restaurant, and bar jobs, with options to apply directly to employers.
    • Website:
  7. Hosco
    • Overview: Hosco is a global platform for hospitality jobs, offering opportunities in over 80 countries for various roles from chefs to hotel managers and receptionists.
    • Website:


Munkaközvetítő Ügynökségek
  1. Blade Recruitment

    • Overview: Based in London, Blade Recruitment specializes in hotel and hospitality staffing, providing both temporary and permanent staffing solutions across various roles in the hospitality industry.

    • Website:

  2. Hospitality Talents

    • Overview: This recruitment agency focuses exclusively on the hospitality sector, helping hotels and restaurants find qualified candidates for various positions. They also offer consultancy services for career development.

    • Website:

  3. Hospitalio Recruitment

    • Overview: With over 20 years of experience, Hospitalio specializes in recruiting for hotels, resorts, restaurants, and cruise lines worldwide, connecting top talent with leading hospitality employers.

    • Website:

  4. Evolve Hospitality Recruitment

    • Overview: This agency focuses on providing staffing solutions for the hospitality industry, covering a wide range of roles from front-of-house to back-of-house positions across various establishments.

    • Website:

  5. H&C Solutions

    • Overview: H&C Solutions specializes in hospitality recruitment, offering services for both temporary and permanent placements in hotels and restaurants across the UK.

    • Website:

  6. Catering Agency Ltd.

    • Overview: This agency provides recruitment services specifically for the catering and hospitality sectors, including hotel staff recruitment for various roles such as chefs, waitstaff, and management positions.

    • Website:

  7. Off to Work

    • Overview: Off to Work specializes in staffing solutions for the hospitality industry, providing a range of services including event staffing and hotel personnel across the UK.

    • Website:

  8. Hospitality People Group

    • Overview: This recruitment agency focuses on finding talent for the hospitality sector, covering roles in hotels, restaurants, and bars while providing tailored recruitment services to meet client needs.

    • Website:

  9. Michael Page Hospitality

    • Overview: Part of the global recruitment agency Michael Page, this division specializes in hospitality recruitment, connecting employers with skilled professionals across various hotel roles.

    • Website:

  10. Goldstar Recruitment

    • Overview: Goldstar Recruitment focuses on providing staffing solutions for the hospitality sector, including hotels and restaurants, with a commitment to quality service and candidate satisfaction.

    • Website:

Tropical Hotel
Greek Paradise

Hajó - Cruise

  1. Royal Caribbean International

    • Overview: Known for its innovative ships and diverse job opportunities, Royal Caribbean offers a collegial work culture with numerous crew activities and benefits such as cruise discounts and free accommodation while on board.

    • Website:

  2. Carnival Cruise Line

    • Overview: One of the largest cruise lines, Carnival is popular for its fun atmosphere and offers a variety of employment options in hospitality, entertainment, and technology. Employees enjoy benefits like healthcare and retirement plans.

    • Website:

  3. Disney Cruise Line

    • Overview: Renowned for exceptional customer service and a family-friendly environment, Disney Cruise Line provides a magical experience for both guests and employees. The company offers competitive benefits and opportunities for career advancement.

    • Website:

  4. Norwegian Cruise Line

    • Overview: Known for its relaxed atmosphere, Norwegian offers a variety of roles in hospitality and entertainment. The company is committed to employee development and provides excellent benefits including health insurance and paid time off.

    • Website:

  5. Virgin Voyages

    • Overview: As one of the newest cruise lines, Virgin Voyages focuses on providing a unique experience with great employee benefits such as free onboard accommodations, meals, flexible schedules, and a casual dress code.

    • Website:

  6. MSC Cruises

    • Overview: MSC Cruises is known for its luxurious amenities and first-rate service. They offer various job opportunities across multiple departments with strong employee benefits including health insurance and retirement plans.

    • Website:

  7. Celebrity Cruises

    • Overview: Celebrity Cruises offers a premium experience with a focus on high-quality service and amenities. Employees report a positive work environment with opportunities for professional growth and competitive compensation packages.

    • Website:

  8. Holland America Line

    • Overview: Known for its elegant ships and exceptional customer service, Holland America provides various job opportunities while emphasizing employee development and offering comprehensive benefits packages.

    • Website:

  9. AIDA Cruises

    • Overview: AIDA Cruises is recognized for its training programs and corporate culture, making it a popular choice among employees seeking growth in their careers within the cruise industry. They offer recreational activities and comprehensive social insurance for EU citizens.

    • Website:

  10. Cunard Line

    • Overview: Known for its luxury cruising experience, Cunard offers positions that allow employees to work in an upscale environment with competitive salaries and benefits tailored for those in hospitality roles.

    • Website:

Cruise Ships

Önéletrajz optimalizálás tanfolyam

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