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Rendhagyó angol igék és a múlt idejük

Szerző képe: Rita Simon MBARita Simon MBA

Ebben a blogban rendhagyó angol igéket fogok felsorolni, és azok ponots igeidejét kell megtalélnod.


Jelen idő: I have a delicious cake for dessert.

Múlt: I had a delicious cake for dessert

  1. I see a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

  2. She sings songs often..

  3. They swim in the pool every summer.

  4. He knows the answer to the question.

  5. We go to the park on weekends.

  6. The dog bites the bone.

  7. You write a letter to your friend.

  8. The cat catches the mouse in the garden.

  9. I bring my lunch to work every day.

  10. She takes a shower in the morning.

  11. They make a delicious cake for the party.

  12. He gives flowers to his girlfriend.

  13. We read books before going to bed.

  14. The bird flies high in the sky.

  15. You buy a new dress for the special occasion.

  16. The sun shines brightly during the day.

  17. He falls asleep quickly at night.

  18. We drive to work every morning.

  19. They eat dinner together as a family.

  20. I forget my keys at home sometimes.

  21. She throws the ball to her friend.

  22. The horse runs fast in the race.

  23. You tell a funny joke at the party.

  24. We drink coffee in the morning to wake up.

  25. The tree grows tall in the garden.

  26. He knows how to play the guitar.

  27. They write a letter to their grandparents. (

  28. I swim in the lake during the summer.

  29. She sings a beautiful song at the concert.

  30. They ride bicycles in the park. (

  31. He catches the ball during the game.

  32. We break the glass at the birthday party.

  33. The dog bites its tail when it's excited.

  34. You write notes during the lecture.

  35. The cat catches a bird in the backyard.

  36. I bring my umbrella when it rains.

  37. She takes a bus to work every day.

  38. They make a sandcastle on the beach.

  39. He gives a gift to his friend on their birthday.

  40. We read newspapers to stay informed.

  41. The bird flies south for the winter.

  42. You buy groceries at the supermarket.

  43. The sun shines through the window in the morning.

  44. He falls down and hurts his knee.

  45. We drive carefully on icy roads.

  46. They eat lunch together at school.

  47. I forget my phone charger at home.

  48. She throws a surprise party for her friend.

  49. The horse runs in the meadow.

  50. You tell bedtime stories to your children.

Írd le a megoldást, és csak utána nézd meg a megoldást, hogy gyakorolni tudj.


  1. I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

  2. She sang songs often.

  3. They swam in the pool every summer. (

  4. He knew the answer to the question.

  5. We went to the park on weekends.

  6. The dog bit the bone

  7. You wrote a letter to your friend.

  8. The cat caught the mouse in the garden.

  9. I brought my lunch to work every day.

  10. She took a shower in the morning.

  11. They made a delicious cake for the party.

  12. He gave flowers to his girlfriend.

  13. We read books before going to bed.

  14. The bird flew high in the sky.

  15. You bought a new dress for the special occasion.

  16. The sun shone brightly during the day.

  17. He fell asleep quickly at night.

  18. We drove to work every morning.

  19. They ate dinner together as a family.

  20. I forgot my keys at home sometimes.

  21. She threw the ball to her friend.

  22. The horse ran fast in the race.

  23. You told a funny joke at the party.

  24. We drank coffee in the morning to wake up

  25. The tree grew tall in the garden.

  26. He knew how to play the guitar.

  27. They wrote a letter to their grandparents.

  28. I swam in the lake during the summer.

  29. She sang a beautiful song at the concert.

  30. They rode bicycles in the park.

  31. He caught the ball during the game.

  32. We broke the glass at the birthday party.

  33. The dog bit its tail when it was excited.

  34. You wrote notes during the lecture.

  35. The cat caught a bird in the backyard.

  36. I brought my umbrella when it rained.

  37. She took a bus to work every day.

  38. They made a sandcastle on the beach.

  39. The sun shone through the window in the morning.

  40. He fell down and hurt his knee.

  41. We drove carefully on icy roads.

  42. They ate lunch together at school.

  43. I forgot my phone charger at home.

  44. She threw a surprise party for her friend.

  45. The horse ran in the meadow.

  46. You told bedtime stories to your children.

  47. I saw a shooting star in the night sky.

  48. She sang a lullaby to her baby.

  49. They swam in the ocean during their vacation.

  50. He knew the secret to solving the puzzle.

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